Open Electronics Exchange

Increase the discoverability of your products by listing your datasheets in Open ELX

Open ELX is the AI-driven network for buying and selling
electronic manufacturing, and supplies.


What is Open ELX?

Open ELX is a network for the exchange of electronics datasheets, specs and more - powered by AI.

For Suppliers

Share Datasheets

Share your electronic datasheets to be discoverable by buyers.

Reach Buyers

Increase the discoverability of your products by listing your datasheets in Open ELX

AI-Powered Datasheet Hub

A central hub for all your electronics datasheets, to share with buyers, or your own team

For Buyers

Discover Products

Discover other electronics datasheets, specs and more.

Find Suppliers

Find what you need with the power of AI - using a model fine tuned for the electronics industry.

AI-Powered Solution Finder

Find solutions, not just search - across 1000s of product and component datasheets.

How it works

The AI-Driven Network for
Electronic Manufacturing & Supplies

Removing the traditional barriers to commerce.

Upload Your Data - AI X+ Webflow Template

1. Transform Datasheets

Wizerr AI transforms your datasheets into a conversation - with a natural language search.

Get Results - AI X+ Webflow Template

2. Extend your Network

Through Open ELX, buyers and sellers are directly connected. We use AI to map technical requirements.

Train the Model - AI X+ Webflow Template

3. Faster Sales & Support

Connect your products with relevant partner products, to increase visibility and fuel growth.

Get Started

Join the Industry Leaders

Discover components, parts and more from thousands of suppliers.


Semiconductors & Devices






Add your Organization to Open ELX

Get started by registering your organization for the Open ELX network.

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